
From the shade of the lakeside trees Nohen watched Stallion and Evangel trying to untangle their long hair in the water. Mouse had jumped in and was trying to untangle the mass with his paws and claws. He didn’t want to have to bite them free but it was looking like a possibility.

“What’s the bleedin’ point in all that hair…” Nohen grumbled, mostly to himself, and leant forward on his knees.

“They have their reasons.” Raven spoke up while in his bird form, hopping around and trying to find bugs or berries for his dinner.

Nohen pretended not to be phased by the sudden appearance of Raven and kept a wary eye on him “But… why?” he just didn’t comprehend their reasons.

Raven didn’t speak for a moment and changed to his human form before sitting beside the brooding angel. “For Stallion it’s a cultural thing, and he can’t stand it being short. Trust me on that, I cut it for him once, smartly cropped too…” He smiled a little, Stallion grew it out as soon as he could. “Evangel… loves being pretty, see into that what you will.”

Nohen had no retort and his frown lessened slightly as he ran a hand through his own short course black hair. “It’s just… I still think its daft…” He looked down and away from Raven.

Raven smiled and shook his head gently “You are fine the way you are Nohen.”

“What?” Nohen looked up, it was rare Raven seemed to be that seriously spoken.

“Isn’t that the reason?” Raven smiled and ran a hand through Nohen’s hair, his hand lingering slightly on his neck.

Nohen sighed and let his legs drop so he was sitting in a far more relaxed pose. “Why does it have to be all that fancy too I mean-“

“Nohen, it’s their choice… and mine.” Raven flicked the longer section of his own hair out to highlight it. His own hair was cropped short, except that part he kept long to play with when even he felt that bit insecure. “Evangel or Stallion? Had you a need to make that choice.” He grinned a little to himself, then summoned his pipe in an attempt to appear more nonchalant about what he just asked.

Nohen looked at Raven, dumbfounded, hadn’t he just been complaining about the couple that were… At Nohen’s last check, a couple.

“I’d pick Evangel myself, less issues, and usually cheerier” Raven smiled, it was all hypothetical and he was just… well, he wasn’t entirely sure where he was going with this.

“Stallion, he’s stronger and more grounded” Nohen mumbled, looking at the grass beneath his feet.

Raven had found his angle, poor Nohen could just be jealous of Evangel (and to the same extent Stallion), in his own way he was too “That ship sailed long ago.” He closed in on Nohen and, after moving some of that curly hair out of the way, planted a gentle kiss on his brow. “You should know… you are beautiful, in a handsome way” He allowed himself a little chuckle and stood fluidly, turning to walk away.

Nohen in a moment of rage grabbed Raven’s shoulder and tugged him to turn around. Raven sensed the anger and tensed as he saw a fist coming his way. Nohen stopped short, his fist an inch away from the light haired angel, he just couldn’t do it.

The next thing Raven was aware of was a bruising kiss, he was a little stunned and let the anger and confusion of his duelling partner wash over him and evolve into something completely different. He carefully put his hand on the small of Nohen’s back and started kissing him back, encouraging a bit of restraint before at least one of them ended up with broken limbs.

Eventually they pulled apart tenderly, any sentiment that would have been spoken between the pair was put on indefinite hold as they realised only then that they had been watched during probably most of that exchange.

Mouse broke the painful silence with a little squeaked “Yay!” and he jumped into the water to swim over to them. He shook his fur dry when on land and changed to his angelic self, leaving Stallion to simply go sprite and pretty much instantly solve their issue.

“It’s about time!” Mouse practically bounced on the spot he was so happy.

“… What?” Raven when to confusion to nigh fury in a matter of seconds, a look that didn’t suit the usually placated angel.

Mouse gave a wink and bowed forward slightly, so cute he even disarmed Nohen a moment “Well… you’ve both always liked one another, even if you didn’t know it!” Mouse had felt the pain in their hearts and as a healer had been able to fathom out what could be done to help cure it… and stumbled upon something much more suppressed than either angel would admit.

Stallion laughed upon leaving he water “Oh come on, why else did you give up teasing me? It was not because of Evangel.” He gave his own little wink, their flirting and comments ebbed away after Nohen’s arrival, something Raven seemed unaware of till now.

Evangel nodded “Trust Mouse, he knows these things” He took Raven’s hand and managed to snag Nohen’s, he placed them together within his own gentle grip “You need one another. Even if you don’t see it right now, listen to yourselves.”

Nohen pulled away sharply, hating how sappy everything was going, he knew his own mind. The others had no right to meddle, especially as they were all off the mark. He should have placed a bet on that scenario being a setup.

Raven shook his head with a short sigh “Like it would work…” His hand lingered in the air a moment and after a small smile he turned and flew away as his feathery incarnation.

“NOHEN!” a chorus called angrily in unison.

Raven sought peace in his room, reading selected passages from the Book of the Dead and petting Queela with a free hand. “Don’t.” He banished his reading material back to the pocket dimension he had summoned it from, and locked his eyes on Nohen as he entered the sanctum that was Raven’s room.

Nohen paused in his tracks and after looking like a caught child he shook his head and straightened up. “I-”

Raven put a hand up to stop him “I left. You didn’t make me.”

Nohen frowned and in a rare moment where he wasn’t sure if what he was doing was insubordinate he sat down on the chair, eyes locked on Raven.

The light haired angel raised a brow and summoned his pipe to light it. “It doesn’t matter. You’re here. In my space. I can guess why.” Raven let out a little smile and picked up his pet, it was time for her to leave for now.

Nohen watched the bird flap away and out of the open skylight, almost envious of her freedom. “You don’t know me…”

“Nor you I…” Raven shook his head and settled on his chair. “Listen to me now. I have been amiable so far. I can be cold.”

Nohen frowned a little and almost stood “Amiable? When have you shown me kindness?”

“Every time. Every time you have needed it. You asked a personal question of me, I answered. You needed counsel, I gave it. You are uncomfortable around me, I give you reason to be so. A lot of what I have done. What we have done… It is all for you. I’m beginning to tire from accommodating your expectations. Is doing so not amiable?” Raven pinched the bridge of his nose as he began to pace in the middle of his room. After a while he left in silence, through and behind one of the long curtains.

Nohen followed, after cautious contemplation. He sensed magic as the other withdrew further. He didn’t know what would happen if he invaded the mentors space for much longer. “Raven?” He was surprised to see himself in an old, vacant, bath house.

“Really now Nohen. If we embark on this path, know I ask for little. Be mindful of me, care for me, do as I ask of you. I will dedicate myself to you.” Raven entered the water of the pool and turned his back to Nohen.

Nohen almost walked away as a gut instinct, but, something in Raven’s words struck a chord. Raven was really only asking for respect, and love, the two things that Nohen himself wanted. He almost felt as if he were a child being scolded… before he saw that smile.

Raven looked back over his shoulder with a look of compassion, as a collective they had done a lot for Nohen, Raven as a single unit had done more than Nohen would know.

Without hesitation Nohen’s boots were banished and he stepped into the water to join the angel that didn’t have to be there for him… but had been every step.

“You’re beautiful. Handsome. Rugged. Whatever you, yourself. Wish to be. We are mailable, shapeless forms that choose shape. I see the light. What you are, who you are.”

“You can shut up now.” Nohen simply smiled and kissed Raven, this time he was gentle.

Who the hell is Queela?

Queela is an albino raven that Raven took in after finding her wounded one day. He gives her free reign to go where she pleases and she turns up every so often to say hello to him and check up on him. Raven has no trouble understanding her and making himself understood. He sees her a one of his closest friends, enough so that he has permission to come and go from his room as she pleases.

She was first introduced to Raven by Hushicho and I added her name and backstory to the canon.

Why does Raven sound familiar near the end?

Does he remind you of the babe? The babe of power?

Heh, yes, I’m a labyrinth fan. And really, were Jareth’s demands all that unreasonable? That’s kindof the relationship that the duo will have initially. Tentative and strict with cruelty, before they both learn to live and love with one another.

Ravens to Starlings

A deep black Raven hopped across a rather obstacle filled communal desk and eyed up the small plate of unguarded diced meat. He kept a wary eye out as he tucked in happily- His caution, however, didn’t stop him nearly having a heart attack when a large celebratory cry ambushed him.

“I knew it! Even you cannot tell the difference.” Stallion stood up from his hiding place and moved to pet the belly of the twitching bird.

“Stallion!” Raven called out and pecked at the angel’s fingers. “Honestly, teasing a carrion bird…” He flapped himself upright then off the table and changed into his human form.

“Well… I have to try different things. I did think to try something even Nohen would like.” Stallion remarked as he watched Raven as he stretched out and furled his wings into their hiding place of the invisible.

“…Me and him are the only omnivores out of the five of us.” Raven chuckled and put a hand out for Mouse to run onto, he had been woken up by the commotion and had popped his head out of his mousey hole. “Herbiv- Vegetarians are dominant here, we knew about that when we decided to stay and live here.” Raven continued as he petted the mouse in his hands. “I do appreciate the effort” he added with a sincere smile.

Stallion smiled back, happy in his efforts before he cleaned up the desk a little. “It does give me something to do when Evangel is too far away.” He mused aloud with a chuckle and put a few books away on the bookcase.

Raven shook his head a little and put mouse in a little kipping box near the fire. “Sleep well little one” he whispered as he settled the little creature, it was clear he was still drowsy and needed the rest.

“So..?” Raven turned to Stallion when he was done with a knowing smile gracing his lips.

Stallion paused in his pointless cleaning “…So… What?” he answered and tried to look neutral… failing of course as he did look like he had been caught at something.

Raven settled on the sofa he usually claimed “Ask what you need to.” He invited merrily.

“… How do you turn into a Raven anyway?” Stallion eventually asked as he settled on the other sofa.

“Because I’m- wait… your name’s Stallion and you’ve never?” Raven did look a little puzzled, usually when angels took on the name of an animal they had some close connection to that they were named for.

“No… I never found a reason to.” Stallion did look a little sheepish, as if reading Raven’s mind a little. But at the same time he did know that Raven would be a straight forward teacher.

“Odd…” Raven mused a little while setting up his pipe, fabricated from the thin air as always. “It’s a case of channelling an animal close to your heart, one very dear to you… Mine is now the bird you’re used to seeing.”

“… I have a sprite form.” Stallion spoke up with a smile.

“Yes, but… hmm…” Raven lit his pipe and thought a moment. Stallion was capable at least, and he could work with capable. “What environments do you prefer to live in?”

“Live..? Well, houses… places near water and grasslands?” Stallion wasn’t entirely sure he was answering correctly.

“Stallion the… Starling…” Raven smirked after a long enough pause. “You’re not a sparrowhawk for certain.”

“But… how?” Stallion was hesitant but did like the sound of that idea.

“Catch one, and bring it back here” Raven noticed the look of slight horror on Stallion’s face “Alive, of course.” Raven looked to the window, “You’ll find a way.”

A long while later Stallion returned to the common room with a yell “RAVEN!” he was carrying a small bird in his hands, clutched close to his chest.

“Please tell me you didn’t do that…” Raven glanced and spied a broken wing as the small starling was put gently on the sofa.

Stallion shook his head and stroked the head of the little bird gently “A cat had her, I couldn’t find a nest or nestbox”

Raven nodded and lifted Mouse from his shoulder and put him beside the starling, “He’ll fix her, then she can fly back in her own time” He gently stroked under the bird’s beak before pulling Stallion to sit in front of the fireplace with him.

“Breathe, close your eyes, think of your search.” Raven instructed as he put Stallion’s palms together. He needed to do this now while the memories were still there, especially in Stallion’s case. He smiled as he felt a familiar pulse of memory through his hands, they both closed their eyes after a subtle shared nod.

“I really don’t-”

“Shush” Raven smiled as the pulse dimmed, but got stronger again. “Just keep thinking of her, and her kin.” After a while a chorus of twittering hovered in the air. “There we go.” He scooped up Stallion the Starling and took him to one of the doors. “I’ll admit, I helped.” He chuckled and kissed the top of his head.

Mouse moved to stand beside Raven, the starling all healed up and settled in his hands.

“Take care of her, take her home” Raven smiled and released Stallion into the wind.

Mouse released the Starling at the same time and she flew with far more grace as they circled one another. Stallion had to get used to his wings and the Starling was happy enough to let him before they began flittering off to their destination.

“I don’t want to see any eggs or babies!” Raven yelled after them with a grin and headed inside.

“Raven!” Mouse pouted at him for even thinking such a thing.

“Bah, he won’t be able to fertilise any eggs of hers” Raven smiled “but on the off chance…” he plucked a book from the shelf. “It’s best not causing any hybrids to exist. Trust me.”

Mouse decided that it was a topic best not explored and settled on Raven’s stomach after he lay back on the sofa. “Read to me?” he asked and let Raven settle beneath him.

“Of course little one.” Raven smiled and opened the book to where a ribbon marked where they were last up to.

Words 1086

Why is it better Hybrids don’t exist, isn’t life a good thing?

Raven has found in his lifetime that children of mortals and angels don’t have it easy. They can often live their lives seeing things other mortals can’t and their extended life spans aren’t all they’re cracked up to be.

It is more often that hybrids go crazy and cause harm to many, including themselves, than them living long and peaceful lives where their ‘gifts’ actually are useful and come in handy.

Most of the time it depends on the abilities of the parents, and their upbringing. For example – A child of Raven’s would most likely carry much anger and darkness within them, and would be capable of shape shifting. Whereas a child of Mouse’s would more likely be adept at healing on a spiritual level and un/fortunately be able to see spirits of the living and the dead. Human or not it would impact them and their kin greatly.

Why did Raven have to help Stallion change?

Without saying too much at this point, Raven is more experienced at it. He knows the signs far more, and how to tap into the power of others to encourage it.

What did Raven mean when he said ‘mine is now the bird you’re used to seeing’?

Without saying too much at this point, Raven did once have a different spirit bird. His path changed, and he wanted to make sure Stallion got the point he was trying to make about environment. Sometimes he is as subtle as a sledgehammer, others, he just says things that everyone tends to ignore or simply just overlook.

Mocking the Raven

Mouse looked up from his kipping box and listened to Stallion and Raven as they discussed other forms. He began feeling insecure about his own mouse form as it was a land based mammal and just so plain.

Stallion left as Mouse was moping and soon Raven came over to pick Mouse up.

“I know that face.” Raven gently kissed between his tiny ears and stroked him very gently. “You’re fine the way you are.”

Mouse wriggled free and changed to his humanoid form. “But… I only have these forms!” He sounded a little disheartened and almost a little frustrated with himself.

Raven smiled and sat down on one of the beanbags as it was just the closest and gave him room to look up at Mouse. “You have at least three.” He held up three fingers where Mouse could see them.

Mouse looked a little confused and plomphed down on one of the beanbags across from Raven who did seem to perch rather than just sit.

“Your current self, your mouse self, and the shapeless energy form we all have” Raven counted them off on his fingers, gentle but firm as he spoke.

Mouse sighed deeply, thinking Raven was missing his point, or just simply dancing around it. “But-“

Raven tugged Mouse’s beanbag closer to him sharply, cutting Mouse off and making it so he was facing away. “But nothing, you are as you need to be. My- Our little mouse.” Raven undid Mouse’s hair so it all tumbled down his back.

“… You eat mice” Mouse knew full well what nerve he had hit when he felt Raven flinch. He was at this point playing with Raven, he completely missed the mischievous smirk.

Raven’s mind struggled to reboot and function properly, clambering swiftly out of the gutter. “Not anymore, ok…” He smiled, out of respect for everyone he lived with he had stopped hunting and foraging for food (not that it stopped him hunting for sport and releasing his caught pray as soon as it calmed down).

Raven stroked Mouse’s head before combing through his locks of hair. It was funny how thin it was, but still had a weight to it. He smiled and gradually styled it into the ‘ears’ behind his head and let the tail fall down the middle of his back. His hands hesitated a little, he was so close to that panel of fabric… that panel that had a distinct pattern of bumps. He wanted so much to lift it and see beneath it for himself, but would Mouse reject him for doing so? The fear kept him behaved and he sent the comb back to his nightstand.

Mouse, sensing Raven had finished, turned to face him and hugged him gently, resting between his legs. Unfortunately the rest period was short as Raven overbalanced and sent them both tumbling.

It was at that point Evangel popped his head in through one of the doorways “Have you seen-?” he paused and covered his mouth with a giggle.

Raven was on his back, his legs apart around and over the beanbag. Mouse was half on half off the unreliable seat and resting on Raven’s chest. They both paused a moment as if caught in an awkward situation and Raven could only groan in frustration as he helped Mouse get free and rolled onto his stomach.

“If you’re after Stallion I sent him on a trip.” Raven looked up from his prone position.

“All that waiting…” Evangel sighed, he didn’t want to make it sound like he had made a wasted trip. Nor did he want to imply that Stallion couldn’t do his own thing.

Mouse smiled and took Evangel by the hand to pull him inside. “It’s only as short as he makes it, maybe you can go find Nohen for me. I haven’t seen him all day.”

“But why would you..?” Evangel began voicing his concerns out loud and realised it wasn’t really his place to ask why. But, it was his place to help those that he often visited and lived with. He smiled to Mouse and clapped a hand on his shoulder. “I’ll go, shouldn’t take too long.” He did have an idea of where he would be after all.

Raven watched Evangel leave with a raised eyebrow, “Why are you sending him after Nohen?”

“Because you won’t go.” Mouse gave him an awfully cryptic smile and went to get a book from the shelf.

Raven frowned a little and shook his head. “Of course I won’t, if I go it will be tears and tantrums.”

Mouse almost voiced ‘on who’s part, his, or yours’ but managed to keep his mouth well and truly shut. As a distraction he looked at the book in his hands and with a big innocent grin on his face he looked to Raven. “Read to me?”

Raven glanced at the cover “Hm.. ‘The Gods and Times of Ancient Egypt'” He took the book in his hands and flicked through a few of the well thumbed pages. He looked at the puppydog eyes he was receiving and groaned “fine fine…”

Mouse let out a little cheer and was genuinely excited, he had heard Raven talking about the time he cherished before. He just knew that along with the ‘facts’ in the book he would have his own share of words for sure.

Raven sat down on the sofa with the book on his lap… soon displaced by a pair of hands. “What..?” He looked puzzled to Mouse.

“Getting comfy.” Mouse rested his head on Raven’s thigh and tried not go giggle at the squirming going on under his head. Raven was just too darn transparent, he couldn’t resist teasing him… But at the same time his matchmaking skills clearly needed working on.

Raven moved gently to lie back on the sofa, nudging Mouse out of the way a little, within moments Mouse was content lying along him. “Comfy now?” Raven smiled and rested the book on his chest, carefully letting it lean slightly on Mouse’s head, trying to keep his focus on it and not Mouse.

Mouse chuckled, letting his weight fall upon Raven, settled between his legs so ‘innocently’. He teased the tensing flesh with his fingers a little before pillowing his head on his arms and letting their breathing synchronise.

“Alright… so… Shall we begin with the Lord Anubis?” Raven let himself smile and cleared his throat before loosing himself in his memory and reading.

[Words 1101]

What is Mouse playing at? One moment he’s all insecure then he’s toying with Raven?

Mouse does get insecure sometimes about just being a mouse and an angel. Stallion is gaining another form more or less right in front of him, which brings his number up to four (They often forget to count their shapeless energy state but I do include that in my counts). Someone being better at things he can do just make him feel inadequate.

He’s toying with Raven because simply he knows he has the hots for him, and… Mouse doesn’t feel the same way about him. That’s why he repremands him about Nohen mildly.

Why was Stallion sent away?

To catch a starling of course, this takes place while Stallion is away.

A Glance at the Past

One sunny afternoon Stallion busied himself preparing the outdoor dinner table, with a chuckle he watched Raven looking at the spread a little warily.

“Say… Raven? Why are you called-” Stallion dusted off his gloves as he spoke.

“I’m not.. Not really.” Raven smiled, cutting Stallion short, he knew exactly what he was asking him.

Stallion stopped moving and looked fully at Raven who occupied himself with his pipe. He had not been expecting that answer to be so blunt.

“Wait… What!?” Mouse had been listening to them and soon stood in front of Raven, fully pouting.

Raven looked around the table before sighing. “Christophael. My given name. When I was summoned, created, born… whatever.” He shrugged gently and inhaled what was in his pipe. “Once a dove… now a raven.” He exhaled steadily and sat down at the table across from a silent Nohen.

Stallion looked at Mouse “Remember, I should be called Hania but you helped me choose Stallion.” He smiled, not seeing that much of a difference. Also there was something haunting Raven’s eyes as soon as he asked.

Mouse looked a little downtrodden and just took a seat next to Raven, one of his closest friends in the entire world and he hadn’t been trusted with such knowledge.

Stallion, having known Raven for a long enough time also, spoke up again “Come on Mouse, it is the first time I have heard him mention it.”

“Really?” Mouse did look a little surprised, Stallion was taking it awfully easy, but then if he had been told he may well have forgotten.

Stallion nodded with a smile “Of course… Otherwise I would slip up and keep calling him Christophael.” well… he could end up overcompensating.

Raven shook his head “He’s the only one to ask… no-one’s ever bothered before.” His eyes were fixed on an incredibly interesting bread roll.

Nohen broke his silence “-ael… -el” He looked a little confused “Light bringer… bearer, that’s an-“

Raven shot him such a glare that caused him to freeze even in his breath. “I know, I can’t use it anymore. So, Raven is my name now.”

Evangel popped in, breaking some of the tension by being literal. He swiftly moved to hug Stallion before he had the chance to sit down himself. “Sorry, heard some of it on the way down… why not?” he looked at Raven before sitting between Stallion and Nohen.

Raven remained in silence for quite a while and sighed, sending a deep cloud of smoke skyward. “Christophael is my Archangel name, I’ve been demoted and just being called Christoph is too much of a reminder… So… I chose the avatar and name Raven.”

Nohen started laughing after the stunned silence, it wasn’t easy to get demoted and dumped with the lowest ranks after all.

“CRAM IT YOU EX POWER” Raven stood up furious and slammed both hands on the table.

Mouse almost fell off his chair as Nohen recoiled into his. The little one had to wrap his arms around Raven’s side to try and get his attention or calm him down.

Nohen silently stood when his own shock ebbed away. He had fought stronger and meaner than Raven in his time, yet something phased him with that reaction.

Evangel shook his head and let go of Stallion’s arm, he had kept him seated with a vicelike grip. “What’s the difference, we’re all angels here. All of different origins.” He didn’t smile when he spoke and kept his eyes fixed on Raven.

Eventually the fury left Raven’s face and body “All angels? This idiot got himself pushed down from the realm of the cosmos to the realm of earth. A place many would dream of living in.”

“All sunflowers and roses for sure” Nohen shook his head “You’re lucky you don’t have all of the responsibility of it all…” he had been a few ranks above Raven and went out of his way almost to cause problems. He eventually got booted down to the lowest rank and his wings clipped for his trouble. On such thoughts Nohen sighed and went to stand by the waterside.

Evangel watched Nohen leave before turning his attention back to Raven “As a cherubim I have the complete and utter right to smack you so hard you’ll wake up in next week, and then some.”

Mouse looked at Evangel in some kind of awe, it had never dawned on him that being the angel of the North Star he would actually be more than an angel.

Stallion just looked neutral about it all, ranks meant nothing to him as he had never bothered learning and remembering it all. It was hard enough to remember that there existed several spheres of speciality for his kin as it was. “Enough of the politics!” Stallion stood and clapped a hand on Evangel’s shoulder to get him to sit down.

Mouse finally let go of Raven and settled in his seat, it was odd knowing Raven had once been ‘more’ than a guardian angel on call. He knew Nohen had been demoted because his boss had brought him down to them to ‘straighten him out’.

Stallion shot a look at Raven that meant ‘sit the fuck down’ before going to Nohen. “Come on, Salabeth would not forgive me if I did not care for you.” Stallion smiled and hinted at the table where Mouse had started cramming his face and the others were starting to eat in much more of a civilised manner.

“But… why do you?” Nohen turned to watch the others carrying on as if what happened before hadn’t.

Stallion smiled and started leading him back with a hand on his shoulder “Who’s idea was it to do reconnaissance before rescuing Evan? And, who stopped me being stupid while looking for him in the first place?”

Nohen smiled in reply, knowing what the long haired angel was saying.

“Come on, join in. You do test our patience, but you are loved. I think you are just learning how to in return.” Stallion handed him a plate so he could get what he wanted.

“You do know we survive off of mana right?” Though that didn’t stop Nohen selecting what he would like.

“Yes, but… this is far more fun. It is about living, not surviving…” Stallion sat down again and stroked Evangel’s hair out of his face.

“… so… why are you called Raven now.” Nohen sat and asked him again, ignoring everyone else flinching.

“…” Raven looked at him with a sigh and ran a hand through his hair. “It must have been something to do with a holy war I practically started…” he tried to be casual about it and started eating “It’s also the reason I’m barred from entering any hallowed ground. Churches, Temples, Mosques…”

Stallion was the first to break the silence “That explains why you always circle above when your wards are in churches or graveyards” He laughed and shook his head.

Raven began to smile a little and nudged Nohen’s leg gently under the table to smile at him as an apology and forgiveness.

Nohen looked back and nodded gently, nothing came to violence and there weren’t any insults.

Soon the five angels were talking and laughing and eating with ease, it was a nice and sunny afternoon after all.

[words 1235]

Raven sure reacted harshly, why?

Because it’s a very touchy subject for him. Nohen is still a little sore about his own demotion but in many ways they both have more freedom and friendship because of it.

Who’s Salabeth?

Salabeth, The Peacock Prince, is a Dominion. He is a leader among Powers (Nohen’s group), he had enough of Nohen being well… Nohen, and clipped his wings when he was demoted. He personally brought Nohen to Stallion and Raven, thinking they would be good for him.

Why did Nohen laugh so much?

They pronounce ‘-ael’ and ‘-el’ with subtle difference. In this era of internet phael is similar to ‘fail’. That’s what made him laugh, not the demotion. He will later have to explain himself for that one.

Angels of a Feather

Angels of a Feather…(stick together)

The elegant Little Egret looked mournfully out to the moon, knowing on this night the North Star would wane. He clucked to himself in gentle reprimand, he had been wrong to let his guard down by the riverside. While his companion had been snacking merrily on berries, he had been watching the little fish swim by with their glittering scales.

He was completely lost in his own world and had missed the sharp warning Kyett-Kyett and found himself currently caged after a period of being stuffed in a sack and relocated. Some in their ignorance would claim the white bird would be safer and better off in the breezy room, fed on a regular basis and free from predators.

The Egret in his isolation could only look to his freedom away from those confining bars. So close, but, so- so far. He had made his beak sore from the pecking at the bars and joints. He had made his feet numb from stamping and grabbing. He had made his wings sore from bashing and banging. *

The cage had been made for something larger and stronger than himself, from the decorations it seemed it was made for a swan. In his frustration he called out Kark!Kark!Kark!

Find me, just, find me.

The egret rested his head on the bars and kept an eye on the balcony. It was open, no doors or windows, just an extension of the room. Another tease for him to glare at and complain about in his head.

After what seemed an eternity he could barely hear the familiar frantic flapping followed by a closer comforting chorus of multiple birds.

A little starling landed on the balcony rail exhausted and whistling away, moronically happy with its little self. He hopped a little closer with his tail bobbing up and down as if it were a vertical dog wag.

Much to the egrets confused delight a mouse soon arrived on the balcony rail with a Plop! It darted over to the cage as a raven grabbed the landing rail warily. He clicked a few times in reprimand to the chirping starling and glared at it till it quietened down.

The mouse began trying the joints and locks on the bars, hoping to find a weak spot or a way to open the cage. He gnawed and felt and had a hard time finding anything that would unlock the cage.

A loud harsh Chay! Chay! Of a nuthatch made the birds (and mouse) pause and look around tentatively. They waited and heard nothing before the mouse made them all jump by resuming his practice.

This is ridiculous” The raven seemed to roll its eyes as it spoke up and hopped to the floor. He stood still and tall before stepping forward as his angelic self. “I understand you not changing…” His wings dissipated as he gripped the bars nearest the base of the cage.

Raven tensed and prized the bars from the clips and seals on the base. He placed the metal on the floor gently and petted the egret’s head “Ok Evangel.” He nodded with a slight smile and started heading back to the balcony.

The egret clucked happily and flapped his way to a clear space where he could also stand tall, also in his humanoid form “Thank you-“.

Chay! Chay! Came a second alarm from the circling nuthatch. Clearly the homeowners had returned or were very close by now, they needed to move.

The angels bolted, Raven grabbing the mouse and Evangel scooping up the starling. Together they made for the trees, clear of the grounds of the captive location.

The angels released their temporary captives and settled low in the shade of the denser vegetation.

“Thank you.” Evangel happily hugged Raven and glanced back to the building they had left.

“Why was that so damn harder than it should have been?” Nohen landed beside them in his humanoid form. “You almost got caught!”

Evangel leant closer to Raven who hugged him back protectively, he glanced down to the whistling starling and petted its head gently.

“Oh shut up… We’re fine” Raven glowered at Nohen, it wasn’t time for reprimands and blame, and nothing had gone wrong… Everything was dealt with.

Evangel bowed his head and sighed “It was my fault… I am sorry…” he looked to the starling whos tail feathers started to drag on the ground. “Really, silly, it is my fault.” Carefully he moved free of Ravens embrace and picked up the starling to give it a quick little kiss on its head.

Raven clapped his hands on Evangel’s and Nohen’s shoulders one after the other “Hey, you’d do the same for us… even Nohen here.” He squeezed Nohen’s shoulder in subtle warning.

Evangel found himself laughing, able now to feel relief of freedom and of their friendship. He did feel awful for worrying everyone, but then… that feeling ebbed away under the laughter.

Stallion finally calmed down enough also change forms. “It was all my fault… I did make you come here” He shuffled and leaned so he could put his hand on the back of Evangel’s neck gently.

That warm touch eased Evangel’s thoughts and kept them steady, he soon found himself mirroring the gesture and ignoring everyone around them. Evangel frowned slightly as he felt something odd within Stallion’s hair.

“Y-you still have it?” Evangel moved some of Stallion’s long hair to one side and revealed a long white feather, he ran his fingers along the vane full of battered barbs.

“You too…” Stallion chuckled and reached within Evangel’s ponytail to run his thumb along part of one of his own turquoise feathers. They had swapped them quite a while ago, confirming their bond and feelings.

Raven coughed to snap everyone back into the reality of the situation, not that he wanted to break it up persay… it was to remind everyone where they were. He grabbed Nohen by the ear and turned to leave.

“Ok lovebirds, we’ll leave you to it” Raven chuckled and winked to them, glancing at Mouse as he scurried up to settle on his shoulder.

Stallion laughed at the retreat and shook his head “Honestly…” He tried to ignore Nohen’s protests and complaining as he locked his dual coloured eyes on Evangel’s. “You, you gave us an adventure, and an opportunity to work together” He rested his forehead against his lovers.

They were completely alone now, or as alone as they could be in the cover of the trees and ducking low.

“Thank you. I love you.” Evangel smiled and whispered before kissing Stallion gently, moving so he was straddling his lap and holding him closely.

That night, the North Star shone brighter than ever.


* Can be montage over comedically-ish… like a panel pecking the bars frustratedly or the aftermath of that or something.

Possible Questions (and Answers)**

The whole time it didn’t dawn on him to just go into his sprite form or energy form? – Easy, he can only change back into his humanoid self before changing further. He’s not that brilliant with the whole shape shifting thing and only really learned it from Stallion.

**feel free to add to them as they can be used to help work kinks out. Some of the ‘errors’ are explained in other chapters. All of the bird forms are more or less explained in the one where Stallion learns to go Starling.